Insomnia Exporter

Insomnia is a great tool for building and testing APIs.

This library will help you to generate Insomnia collection json files with simple DSL through your code. Then you can import this collection into your insomnia client.

I hope you can find it valuable for creating testing cases or other purposes. It's very handy for keeping your collection up to date and share requests through your developer team.

Take a look on simple example.

Create Insomnia configuration file

val collection = Exporter.default.writeValueAsString {
workspace { name { "Simple demo" } }
request {
name { "Get Google response" }
url { "" }

And it's all.

You can replace getting collection to string with direct file creation:

Exporter.default.writeValue(File("insomnia.json")) {

As a result you will get insomnia.json collection file that you can import into your insomnia client.

Take a look at com.yamilovs.insomnia.exporter.dsl package - it contains DSL builder with code samples about all the features.


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This package contains Exporter, the main entry point for working with this library

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This package contains DSL builders, with handy code examples

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This package contains all the DTO models that describes Insomnia collection structure